Monday, February 18, 2008

Holy crap. I'm old.

An old friend of mine, Blake Schwendiman, emailed me the other day. It seems I'm old enough to be invited to my 20 year high school reunion.
Oy, vey.
I hadn't really thought about it, but I've been out of high school for a long, long time. I hadn't thought about it because I pretty much hated high school. If not for a small handful of friends to keep me sane, I don't know how I would have made it through. I distinctly remember having a conversation with the old man where he had to convince me not to drop out at age sixteen.
One thing I've never been good at is keeping in touch with people, so most of the friends I had then are lost in the ether of time and space.
Do I have some obligation to revisit that time and those people?
It seems to me that I'll end up in a corner with my small group of friends (if they even show up), as will other people and their groups, and it will be the cliquey sameness that I didn't like 20 years ago.
Because this is the age of the interweb (as Dean Venture calls it) classmates that I haven't talked to in 15-20 years are now emailing me. I don't know what to do about that. Again, do I have some obligation simply because we were roughly the same age and were forced by politically produced geographic boundaries to attend the same school?
For now I have no answer for these questions. I'll keep you posted.

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