Friday, February 13, 2009

It's meme time, boys and girls!

( ) Gone on a blind date (nope. never even had the opportunity)

(X) Skipped school (probably more than I didn't)

( ) Watched someone die

(X) Been to Canada (the Yukon Territories. the Wal-Mart kinda sucked)

( ) Been to Mexico (perhaps someday.)

( ) Been to Florida

(X) Been on a plane

(X) Been lost (I've even given fake directions to someone else who was lost)

( ) Been on the opposite side of the country (wha? dunno what this means, exactly)

( ) Gone to Washington, D.C.

(X) Swam in the ocean (killed a shark with my bare hands)

(X) Cried yourself to sleep (only so other people would, you know, feel better about themselves)

(X) Played cops and robbers

(X) Recently colored with crayons

(X) Sang Karaoke (haven't done this for awhile, but I've been practicing The Bad Touch just in case)

(X) Paid for a meal with coins only

(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't (like, every day)

(X) Made prank phone calls (Them: Kentucky Fried Chicken, can I help you? Me: (snickering) Do you have big breasts?)

(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (more than I care to admit)

(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue

(X) How about a snowball in the face

(X) Danced in the rain

(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus

(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe

(X) Watched the sunrise with someone

(X) Blown bubbles

(X) Gone ice-skating

(X) Been skinny dipping outdoors

(X) Gone to the movies

(X) Rode on a Motorcycle

(X) Did any acting or on stage performances

(X) Shot a gun

1. Your nickname?
B-Rad. Boo Radley. Weasel.

2. Your Mother's name?
Phylus LaRae Barrett

3. Your Favorite drink?
Diet Coke

4. Do you have any Body Piercings?

5. Do you have any Tattoos?

6. How much do you love your job?

7. Your Birthplace?
Rexburg, ID

8. Favorite vacation spot?
Santa Barbara. Alaska.

9. Ever been to Africa?

10. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner?
Dinner. Breakfast. Second breakfast. Snacks. Brunch. You name it. (this was Mark B.'s answer and I concur.)

11. Ever been on TV?

12. Ever steal any traffic signs?
I once stole a sign from the Snow building at Ricks College. It said "Performance in Progress. Please Enter Between Numbers Only." I put in on my bathroom door.

13. Ever been in a car accident?
Two. I was not driving either time.

14. Do you drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle or no vehicle?

15. Your Favorite number?

16. Your Favorite movie?
This one is a coin flip. Casablanca or Godfather II.

17. Your Favorite holiday?
Meh. Any one that gets me off of work?

18. Your Favorite dessert?
Pretty much any kind of sugary goodness.

19. Your Favorite food?
A really good steak and some sort of potato. Why, yes, I was raised in Idaho. Why do you ask?

20. Your Favorite day of the week?
Whatever day I am not working.

21. How do you relax?
I read, watch movies, go for drives. (this also is Mark's answer, and again I concur)

22. How do you see yourself in 10 years?
Skinnier hopefully. Nicer. Better looking. Richer. (yep, again. Except maybe that 'nicer' part. I have a reputation to maintain.)

23. Furthest place you will send this message?
I am trying to get this onto Obama's BlackBerry.

24. Who will respond to this the fastest?
Your mom.

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