So (long story short) My Mom bought a new car from my sister's husbands company. I flew to Phoenix to pick it up and drive it back to Idaho. My Mom gets a new grandma car, and I bought her 1996 Mercury Sable, the nearly identical twin (although slightly fancier) to the Taurus. Guh. So I kept my ideal alive: I didn't get a Taurus. I got it's cousin that has leather trimmed interior.

Someday soon when I reach the magical milestone of 40 and I start my midlife crisis, I'll maybe move up to a Buick LeSabre or a Crown Victoia. Kill me.
A few random things from my 2 day, 2000 mile journey:
America is illiterate. I saw a car that was "4 sell", and another, apparently desperate owner who was "moving must sale".
I reignited my one-sided, unreqited crush on Neko Case. I listened to her album "Blacklisted" about 1000 times, confident that one day, she will be mine, oh yes, she will be mine.

Living in Idaho sometimes makes me definitely want to kill myself. I passed a billboard outside of Preston hawking Spudfest 2008. You know Spudfest... Dawn Wells' family oriented movie festival held in Driggs each summer? This year they're celebrating Elvis and they have a horrible potato-as-fat Elvis singing "Love me tater...". Seriously, Napoleon Dynamite, racist militia dicks, Larry Craig, these aren't enough to shame us so we need recently pot-busted Mary Ann to have a friggin' Elivs potato butchering one of the best all time songs to shamelessly plug her crappy-ass festival? I will move away soon. I promise.

Sigh. This makes me wonder if Tina Louise or Danny Bonaduce are going to try to sell me crack this weekend.
My brother was the lawyer who was going to prosecute her if it had come to that. I was so bummed when it didn't work out. I so wanted to be able to brag that my brother put Mary Ann in the slammer.
At least you don't live in Montana. I spent an hour on the phone with accountants in NJ trying to convince them that 1. yes, Mont. is a state, and 2. no, it's not located in California.
Also, Neko sounds a lot like Necco (those candies that look like poker chips). I wonder if she also tastes like a Pepto Bismol stain?
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