Sunday, July 20, 2008

sorrysorrysorrysorry...what can I say? I suck.

So I haven't blogged in awhile. I'm sorry, get over it, and let's start anew, shall we?

Instead of trying to play catch up, and attempting to fit a month's worth of shite into this blog, I'll give you a quick and abbreviated summary. It goes a little something like this...

I've worked a lot (a whole lot) in the last month, I've watched a few movies and my allergies are kickin' my buttocks. Bleh. Here's the updated version of my Summer of 1000 Movies list:

1. Monsturd D-
2. Zodiac C+
3. Southland Tales F
4. Sunshine A-
5. Alien A
6. Payback (director's cut) D-
7. Severance B-
8. Hellboy C+
9. Night of the Hunter D---
10. Sanjuro B+
11. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians F, MST3K version B+
12. Hellboy: Sword of Storms C-
13. The Thing From Another World B-
14. the Maltese Falcon B-
15. the Big Sleep B
16. Blacula D
17. Scream, Blacula, Scream D+
18. Cloverfield B
19. Domino C+
20. Get Smart B-
21. the Changeling in memory B+, in reality C-
22. the Lady in the Lake F
23. Hellboy II The Golden Army B
24. Pirates of the Carribean at World's End C-

If you have any questions about specific movies that I haven't reviewed yet, ask and I'll give you my thoughts. Right now I'm at work and I'm not in the mood to write a whole bunch.

And on that note...

Later days


Mark Brown said...

Yeah. #24 - Duh!

What did I tell you? That was three hours of your life you could have spent doing something (anything) else. But nooooo, Mr. Completist had to see that crappy franchise through to the bitter end despite my warnings.

I, after all, only bought the first issue of the Mike Grell James Bond, knowwhutImean?

Captain Admiral said...

So here's the deal, Mr. Smarty Guy. I really liked the first two Pirates movies mostly for the sense of whimsy and because they were seriously made films, but they didn't take themselves too seriously. (does that make sense to anyone else?) At World's End lost that sense of fun and DID take itself too seriously. The only part I liked was the ending. You know that I rarely enjoy the "all tied up in a pretty package" ending, and this was not one of those. Will Turner died (sorta) and is the captain of the Flying Dutchman? Didn't see that one coming. Captain Jack Sparrow ends where we first met him, shipless, penniless, and living only by his wits. The hanging plot thread I didn't enjoy, was what happened to Elizibeth Swan-Turner? We last see her watching the Flying Ducthman sailing away...and what? *shrug*
I dunno. It just wasnt' that good. It didn't suck out loud, but it wasn't good. Meh.