Monday, May 26, 2008

So there's this guy...

(this is Rey Mysterio with a stoned-looking Lindsay Lohan)

So there's this guy who comes into Hastings a lot, we'll call him Dick. Dick likes to rent movies and then complain about something (freezes, skips, no sound) so he can get a free movie. We've all figured out his game and we all try not to give in to him. So he comes in the other day having rented some WWE event DVD, and he wants a free rental because Rey Mysterio was not listed on the DVD box, but he did, in fact, appear on the DVD itself.


Come on, man, is that the best you got?

Luckily, I was helping someone else, because I was already in a snarky mood and I would have found it difficult to be kind to Dick, so my co-worker Supreme Nerd Commander (I mean that in a good way) Michael Gappmeyer told him to get bent (not really, but Gappmeyer told him 'no') and Dick left, telling us we needed to 'work on our customer service skills.'

Dick called back later and spoke to our manager, Jay (who is excellent at conflict resolution), and Jay told Dick that since we didn't like him, and he didn't like us, maybe he should go rent from Hollywood or Blockbuster.

Two days later I was working again, and Dick came back. He's such an idiot. When I mentioned this to Jay, he told me that Dick's wife was 'meaner and stupider' than Dick.

I don't really have much of a point here, just that some people suck really, really bad.


Grifter said...

You should have told Dick that of course Ray wasn't credited. It's all part of the mysterio. No one, not a damn soul, knows when he'll show up.

I am wondering if you saw Indiana Jones. I bet you did. And I bet you are telling people that you liked it. Boo.

Grifter said...

Ray = Rey

Anonymous said...

This stroy reminds me of three things I might have forgotten recently.

1- Why I hate people

2- Why I love 17th street

3- Rey Mysterio

p.s. I would also like your take on the new Indiana Jones movie, "Kingdom of the Crystal Suck.