Sunday, April 20, 2008

Help me Obi Wan, you're my only hope...

So I've got a minor dilemma with my Summer of 1000 Movies. How to count TV series? Here's how I see it and I'd like a little input from those of you who would be so kind.
Say, for example, that Deadwood Season One is twelve episodes long. I propose that if I were to watch it (again) that I would count every two hours as one movies worth of viewing, thus Deadwood S1, watched in its entirety, would count as six movies.
A friend of mine has said that this is the wrong way to approach it. He opines that one season of a show should count as one movie. Maybe I'm just selfish with my time, but that seems unreasonable. I get his point; that one season has one overreaching arc (presumably), and as such should be counted as one story, one movie.
I will, for the time being, count every two hours of TV as one movie, until such time as someone suggests something that makes more sense.
Any suggestions, fellow movie buffs? Am I on the right track here? Lemme know, please.


lateshoes said...

I would count each, individual disc. This usually rounds off pretty fairly considering discs can have as few as 1, but as many as 4 episodes.

You might get better mileage counting every two eps. as a movie, but discs would be easier to keep track of.

That's what I say.

Mark Brown said...

Are they hour long episodes, I guess? Hmm. I'd go with every two episodes = 1 movie. I'm a total wuss and would probably count each episode as its own movie. But then I'm not hardcore like little Miss Vegetable Medley up there.

Grifter said...

How 'bout every moustache you count in Deadwood totals 5 minutes of "movie time" (novel moustaches, mind you--no moustache recounting). Let's assume a good average movie length is 1 hour and 40 minutes. Ergo, you will need to spot 20 fresh moustaches to have succesfuly watched the equivalent of one movie.

I can't believe you overlooked this method.

Anonymous said...

Summer of 1000 movies, not summer of a bunch of tv watching! You can't count tv shows as movies you lazy bastard!!