Friday, January 25, 2008

I watched a movie today

Went to the local omni-plex to watch No Country For Old Men today. I had meant to watch it earlier but our theater sucks and it only ran initially for about four hours. After ye olde Academy of Motion Pictures decided to nominate it for bunches of statuettes, the geniuses here decided to have a return engagement.
So while I sat around in my apartment anxiously awaiting the start time, my friend Joe called and invited me to go with him and his wife. Yay! I get to go with people instead of my usual asocial solo self.
The first problem (and I whine about this often) is that it cost me $6.50 for the matinee ticket and $8.50 for a box of Raisinettes and a Diet Coke. Ugh. No wonder I usually prefer to watch DVD's at home in my underwear with a ninety-nine cent frozen pizza.
Secondly, I pick a chair that reclines too far (luckily no one was seated directly behind me) so that I feel like I am in one of Tony Little's Ab Loungers. Who cares about the movie, I'm gettin' all toned and sculpted over here! Yeah! Fortunately, this does not make me want to grow a pony tail.
Thirdly, the lights go down and the moron directly in front of us feels the need to continuously text so his celly sheds a lovely blue light that distracts me. Grrr.
I refuse to let any of this crap bother me. I'm here to enjoy a Coen Brothers movie, dammit, and enjoy it I shall.
I think.
I have to admit to being a bit perplexed by the ending. For the first 100 minutes of this film there are three people sharing the screentime (not together, really, but three stories brilliantly intermingling) and all of a sudden BLAM! the story is jerked into a singular point of view and it caused a huge anti-climax. Suddenly the movie belongs to Ed Tom Bell because Llewellen Moss is dead (offscreen, I might add with consternation), and Anton Chigurh fades (albeit painfully) into the west Texas ether. Maybe there's some storytelling device here that I'm not aware of, maybe I'm simply not smart enough to see it the right way... I dunno.
I was going to give this movie an A, five stars, accolades untold, but now I don't know what to give it. For now, I'll give it a B+, four stars, and a good old scratching of my noggin. If, upon further review, I have something to add, I will.

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