So here's a few things I've been watching/reading lately...
Rocknrolla by ex-Mrs. Madonna, Guy Ritchie.

Not as much fun as Snatch, but better than Lock, Stock... I enjoyed it muchly. You could tell that everybody was having fun making this film. British gangsters + double crosses + fun characters = B.
And while on the subject of British gangster flicks, I saw Get Carter.

No, not the shite one with Stallone, the original with Michael Caine (nee Maurice Mickelwhite.)

As you can see, even Caine's poster is cooler. It seemed like a quality film, but sometimes it's hard to watch a really good movie from nearly forty years ago because so many movies have stolen from it (excuse me,
paid homage to it) that I've seen all the parts before, just not here in this order. Still fun, though. B-.
As I'm sure ya'll know, I loves me some Sam Raimi, so I wonder why it's taken me so long to get around to Drag Me to Hell.

Probably because it's kind of pedestrain and lacks that certain something... Sure it's manic, sure it's darkly funny, sure the protaganist takes a tremendous beating, but somehow the sum was less that the whole of the parts. Plus, I just have a hard time believing Justin Long in a serious role. Stick to doofus roles please, such as your sublime turn as a gay pornographer Brandon St. Randy from Zack and Miri Make a Porno. Thank you.

Anyway, C-.
Rewatched (for the bazillionth time) the Departed.

I really like this show. Really really good, but not great. Here's why. Jack Nicholson phoned it in. Everything else clicks but his acting is kinda Pacino-like (I'm thinking Scent of a Woman here) and his hack Bah-stan accent is crap. Enjoy your paycheck, Jack, you kept this from being a seminal gangster film because you were lazy. Still...B+.
Been reading the Bone comic book series by Jeff Smith.

It started in, I think, 1991, and I somehow never finished. Still haven't, in fact, but I'm working on it. I'm not too happy that the only versions I can find are colorized, but I'm dealing with it by inhaling obscene amounts of cough syrup and wearing a wreath made from aroma therapy candles on my head. Since I haven't finished, I'll reserve judgement until later, but so far so great.
And finally the show that's been kicking the ass outta me... Lost.

I'm working on season 3 right now and I like it a lot. I enjoy the flashback-laden storytelling, I enjoy the weirdness, and I enjoy the character work a lot. I don't enjoy trying to keep from finding out what's happened in seasons 4 and 5 before I get there. My goal is to catch up before season 6 starts in February. I have to average about an episode a day to do so. Wish me luck.
Anyway...that's the pop culture crap that's been most recently inserted into my ever-shrinking mental Rolodex (alternately known as my knowledge Dumpster.)