Friday, May 29, 2009

Back from the dead...

So I've been gone awhile (I'm sure that both of my dear readers barely noticed) and now I'm back, hopefully, with more consistency.

Here's the quick breakdown of wha's bin happenin'.

I moved to Shelley, Idaho in late April. I have now moved back to a different apartment in Idaho Falls. I don't even think the story is worth telling. It wasn't a horrible choice, just the wrong choice, and now I'm setting it right.

My Mom moved away. To Phoenix. This is a good/bad thing. Suffice it to say, I think it's the right move for her, and I hope that all will be swell for her there.

This means I have moved myself and helped another person move for a total of three moves in five weeks. I hate moving.

I had lost 23 pounds. 'Had' being the operative word there. I have gained back 13, resulting in a net loss of 10 (for you not-math majors out there.) I now live five minutes from the gym and I've started going again.

I hate my jobs. This will be it's own blog someday.

Speaking of jobs, I'm at one of them now and I prolly shouldn't be writing this, so I'll take my leave.

I'll be back soon. I promise.
